What To Do After Water Damage In Your Home

Water damage can strike a home or business at any time – whether it’s from a burst pipe, a leaking appliance, a severe storm, or any number of other sources. And when water intrusion happens, time is of the essence. What you do a few hours and days after water damage can make all the difference in preventing further damage and getting your property restored to its pre-damaged condition.

In this helpful guide, we’ll outline what to do after water damage occurs in your home. By following these simple steps, you can minimize the impact, protect your health and safety, and get your home or business back on track as smoothly as possible. Let’s dive in.

Table of Contents

Assess the Damage

The first thing to do after water damage is determine the source of  the water and stop the flow, if possible. This may involve shutting off the main water supply, fixing a leaking appliance, or addressing a broken pipe. Once you’ve secured the area, it’s time to inspect the affected spaces and take note of any standing water, wet materials, or visible damage.

Look closely at floors, walls, ceilings, and any furniture or belongings that may have been impacted. Pay special attention to areas where water has accumulated, as these are the most vulnerable to mold growth and structural damage if not addressed promptly. Make sure to document everything with photos and videos – this information will be important for your insurance claim and for guiding the restoration process.

Remember, even small amounts of water can cause big problems if left untreated. Don’t underestimate the extent of the damage. It’s better to err on the side of caution and have a professional assess the situation.

Prioritize Safety

Safety should be your top priority when figuring out what to do after water damage. The first step is to shut off the electricity to the impacted rooms if there is any water near outlets, appliances, or other electrical components. Electricity and standing water are a dangerous combination that can lead to electrocution.

It’s also crucial to wear protective gear like rubber boots and gloves when entering the affected area. This will help prevent slips, falls, and exposure to potentially contaminated water. Open windows and doors to increase airflow and ventilation as well. Proper ventilation is key to reducing the risk of mold growth.

If the water damage is extensive or involves contaminated groundwater or sewage, it’s best to evacuate the property until professional help arrives. Exposure to contaminated water can pose serious health risks, so it’s not worth the risk.

Begin the Drying Process

Time is of the essence when it comes to what to do after water damage. The longer materials remain saturated, the higher the risk of mold growth, warping, and other permanent damage.  Your goal is to get rid of all the humidity as soon as possible to minimize damages.

First call a restoration company company out right away to setup professional drying equipment, and minimize the damages.

While you’re waiting for them to arrive, use a wet/dry shop vacuum or mops and buckets to remove any standing water. Be thorough – even small puddles can lead to big problems down the line.  This will not only help prevent permanent damage, but it will also make the restoration company’s job easier.  Also, be sure to take your wet carpets and rugs and lay them out to dry.

If you’ve just experienced water damage, do not hesitate to call us, or get a quote for water damage restoration!

Document the Damage

As you work to mitigate the immediate water damage, be sure to thoroughly document the situation. Take detailed photos and videos of the affected areas, capturing any standing water, wet materials, and visible damage. This visual record will be crucial when filing an insurance claim.

In addition to the photographic evidence, create a written list of any damaged or destroyed items. Note the type of item, its approximate age and value, and a description of the damage. This inventory will help support your insurance claim and ensure you receive the full coverage you’re entitled to. 

You’ll also want the restoration company you hire to work closely with the insurance company to prevent miscommunications and make sure you get the coverage you need.

Contact Your Insurance Provider

As soon as possible, notify your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance company about the water damage incident. Provide them with the documentation you collected, including photos, videos, your itemized list of damages, and any relevant receipts. This will help expedite the claims process.

Your insurance provider will likely have specific instructions on how to proceed. They may even be able to recommend vetted water damage restoration companies to assist with the cleanup and repairs. Be sure to follow their guidance closely to ensure you receive the full coverage you’re entitled to.

Keep in mind that policies can vary significantly when it comes to water damage. Some may only cover sudden, accidental events, while others may exclude damage caused by gradual leaks or floods. Review your policy carefully so you understand what’s covered and what to expect from the claims process.

Hire Professional Restoration Services

For significant or complex water damage, it’s often best to bring in a professional restoration company. These experts have the specialized equipment, training, and expertise to properly dry, clean, and restore your property to its pre-damaged condition.

Water damage restoration companies use advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to extract standing water, dry out wet materials, and prevent the growth of mold and mildew. They can also handle the more complex aspects of the job, like structural drying, content cleaning, and odor removal.

Hiring a professional restoration company is especially important if the water damage involves contaminated sources like sewage or groundwater. Exposure to these types of biohazards can pose serious health risks, so it’s crucial to have them handled by trained experts using the proper safety protocols.

Even if the water damage seems relatively minor, a professional assessment can give you peace of mind and help ensure no underlying issues are overlooked. They can identify any hidden damage and develop a comprehensive restoration plan to get your property back to normal as quickly and safely as possible.

Prevent Future Water Damage

Once the immediate crisis has been addressed and your property is on the road to recovery, it’s time to shift your focus to prevention. Take the time to identify and fix the root cause of the water intrusion to prevent similar issues from happening again in the future.

This may involve making repairs or upgrades to your plumbing, roof, windows, or other vulnerable areas of your home or business. For example, you may need to replace old, leaky pipes, seal cracks in the foundation, or install better drainage systems around the exterior of the building.

Investing in preventative measures now can save you a lot of time, money, and headache down the line. Water damage can be incredibly disruptive and costly, so it’s worth taking the necessary steps to fortify your property and reduce the risk of future incidents.  Check out our blog on the potential sources of water damage.

Acting quickly and following these critical steps can make all the difference in minimizing the damage and getting your property restored as efficiently as possible. The water damage restoration process takes time, but getting a head start on the drying, cleaning, and repairs can save you a lot of hassle and prevent further issues down the line.

If you’re dealing with water damage in your home or business, don’t wait to take action. Reach out to our team of experts right away. We have the specialized equipment, training, and experience to properly assess the situation, develop an effective restoration plan, and get your property back to its pre-damaged condition as quickly as possible. Contact us today to learn more about our water damage services and how we can help you get your life back on track.

Need Restoration Service?

Pristine Restoration values professional work that is completed on time, and we leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of customer satisfaction.  We use minimally invasive techniques to ensure that your property is returned to its former condition with as little hassle as possible.

Give us a call today for any of your residential and commercial property restoration needs.  We’re big enough to get the job done, and small enough to care.